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Taonga Puoro Workshop

Taonga Puoro Workshop

Regular price $0.00 NZD
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Ngā reo o te Taio - the Voices of the Environment 

In pre-colonial times, the transmission of Mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) was done through the passing down of story and song with Taonga Pūoro. Created from the natural environment, their playing provided not just an accompaniment to oral histories but provided another voice of the gods within the world of light.

Taonga Pūoro practitioner Toumairangi (Te Ātiawa ki Taranaki, Pōneke, Te Waka ā Maui) will walk you through a selection of Taonga Pūoro and their associated functions and use, concluding with an opportunity to make your own taonga to take home with you. 


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